5 Mistakes You Should Avoid When Hiring a Nanny

Nanny Playing with Children

Hiring a nanny in Orange County can help a lot when it comes to childcare. You and your significant other both have busy lives, and sometimes, you need an extra pair of hands to help out around the house. However, you can’t expect Mary Poppins to just show up at your door. You must take the time to find the right nanny for your family. Keep reading to learn about some of the most common mistakes parents make when hiring a nanny and how you can avoid them.

Performing an Insufficient Background Check

Before hiring anyone to take care of your children, it is crucial to perform a thorough screening. This process involves an in-depth interview, reference check, and a criminal background check. You should verify their past references in the same way that you would interview the potential nanny. Start by confirming the basics like the number of children cared for, dates of employment, and the reason for separation. You should also ask a few more open-ended questions about the nanny’s past responsibilities, their strengths and weaknesses, and any other major concerns you have. You should also order a complete pre-employment background check to ensure the candidate does not have a criminal past. Though this information is important, you should give more weight to the interview and references when making your hiring decisions.

Not Asking the Right Interview Questions

One of the most important parts of the hiring process is the interview. Be sure to conduct a thorough interview so you can get a better idea of who the nanny is and how they will act in certain situations. Confirm the basics of the job like schedule availability, general duties, required skills, and salary. You should also ask all potential OC nannies about their past experience caring for children, the jobs they worked, and the ages of the children they worked with. Then, ask a few questions about specific experiences, good and bad, and how they handled it. This will give you a better idea of how they will handle problems as they arise on the job.

Setting Unrealistic Expectations

The primary job duties of a nanny should be childcare first and foremost. Many people often expect nannies to handle all the childcare duties, along with general housework duties. It is reasonable to expect the nanny to leave the house in the same condition that they found it in. This usually involves cleaning up after the child, sweeping up after meals, laundering clothes when they get dirty, and cleaning up after craft projects. However, you should not expect the nanny to take on full housekeeping duties like vacuuming the whole house, changing linens, and picking up after adults in the home. By adding these tasks to the job description, you are limiting the number of interested potential candidates and limiting the nanny’s ability to focus on caring for your child.

Offering Unfair Wages

Before deciding on a salary, check out the average market compensation for the job you are offering. By providing a fair wage, you are showing the nanny that you care about them and their ability to take care of your child. Plus, it will make it easier to find qualified individuals and limit frequent turnover.

Prospective Nanny Meeting with Parent

Not Providing a Written Work Agreement

Before hiring a nanny, you must be sure to provide a work agreement for both parties to sign and agree to. The agreement will lay out the terms and conditions of the relationship including hours, duties, benefits, and pay. If you do not have a written agreement, it will only be a matter of time before a conflict arises.

If you need to hire a nanny, contact us at OC Home & Family today!