How a Nanny Can Benefit Stay-at-Home Moms

Little girl playing with nanny

When people picture the kind of family that hires a nanny, they typically imagine a wealthy family where both parents are frequently out of the home for work, travel, or other responsibilities. There’s a common belief throughout the country that nannies are only hired as primary care providers for children that don’t usually have an adult at home. But this is simply not true. Families of all types and from all walks of life can benefit from a nanny, including those with mothers who typically stay at home with their kids. Here are a few of the benefits a stay-at-home mom can experience by hiring a nanny.

Time for Self-Care

Self-care is a popular topic these days, especially among women. Women have a tendency to take less time for the things they enjoy than men do, and this is particularly true of mothers. “Mommy burnout” is a very real and very common problem for stay-at-home moms, who are constantly giving of themselves all day, every day. It’s important that you take time to care for yourself and meet your own needs, but sometimes it can feel impossible to find the time to do that.

That’s where a nanny comes in. A nanny can step in and handle the kids while you take a little time for yourself. Whether it’s a long bath, a trip to the spa, or just the ability to go to the grocery store without dragging your kids along with you, a nanny can give you a little time to yourself each day so that you can tend to your personal needs and your mental health.

Quality Time with Kids

While it may seem counterintuitive, hiring a nanny can actually help you to spend better, more quality time with your children. As a stay-at-home mom, you’re with your children constantly. By the end of the day, you’re probably exhausted and just want some distance from them. And while it’s perfectly fine to want some space for your kids, that feeling of exhaustion makes it really difficult to enjoy close quality time with one another.

With a nanny, you can get that bit of extra space during the day so that when your family comes back together, you’re feeling refreshed, relaxed, and ready to really engage with your kids. And, whether you’re aware of it or not, your kids benefit from some distance as well; when you come back home, they’ll be more excited to see you and tell you about their time with their nanny. With a nanny, you may reduce the amount of time you spend with your kids, but the quality of your time together will improve significantly.

Nanny reading with two boys

Extra Help When It’s Needed

Sometimes, things come up and you really need an extra set of hands. But if you’re a stay-at-home mom without close family nearby, finding that help on short notice can be really difficult. Perhaps your baby finally fell asleep for their nap, but you need to pick up your older children from school. Maybe you came down with a sudden case of food poisoning and can barely stand, much less care for your kids.

When you have a nanny, you have that extra help around when it’s needed. They can step in and take care of the kids when you’re sick or pick up the kids from school so that you can stay home and let your baby enjoy their nap. That extra set of hands will come in handy more frequently than you realize.

If you’re a stay-at-home mom, that doesn’t mean you have to do it all alone. It’s OK to ask for help or even to hire help if you feel it’s necessary. There are many reasons for stay-at-home moms to hire a nanny and countless benefits to doing so. If you’re looking for nanny services in Orange County., contact OC Home & Family today, and we’ll pair you with the right nanny for your family!